How To Change Initial Product Image
Changing the product preview image in your store
If you wish to display a different color of a product on your storefront than what is currently showing, you can easily make that adjustment in your product editing process on the dashboard. Here's how:
1. Access your dashboard: Log in to your dashboard or administration panel.
2. Edit the product: Locate the specific product for which you want to change the displayed color and select the option to edit it.
3. Image selection: Within the product editing page, you can click on the product image. Choose the color of the product you want to display.
5. Save changes: After setting the new image as the primary one, save your changes to update the product settings.
NOTE: You can add additional images by clicking the "+" icon below the main product image.
By following these steps, you can easily modify which color of a product is displayed first and prominently on your storefront, ensuring that it aligns with your preferences or the needs of your customers.